Treedom Project

Porcarelli Group

Porcarelli Group is also a forest. . In collaboration with Treedom we decided to give back to the Environment a part of what, inevitably, with daily actions is taken away.
This forest is born from the desire to give concretehelp to our planet, both from the environmental and social point of view. This year we have chosen to support two projects launched in Guatemala, in particular in the department of Petén, on the northern border with Mexico, and in the department of Huehuetenango, in the central-eastern area of the country.

We believe that, one tree at a time, we too can do our part to make our home a better place.

Thanks to you

Our forest

There are 950 trees that now inhabit the Porcarelli Group Forest and we have been able to plant them thanks to our Clients, who place their trust in us. Each tree in our forest is and will be the result of partnerships, collaborations and services provided: one seed at a time, we will be able to offer a sustainable alternative to monoculture, absorb CO₂, protect local biodiversity by privileging the planting of local species and offer shelter to animals.

We did all this together.


Work with us for a greener future!

Empowerment of the farmers involved
Absorb CO₂
Local Community Support
Planted trees
Kg of CO₂

Social benefits

Every tree is important

In addition to creating small-scale agroforestry systems, this project has a strong benefit on local communities. A tree, in fact, also represents social benefits and economic opportunities. Each tree has a specific purpose: fruit trees help to supplement the income of the communities involved and contribute to creating a more varied diet for them. The planting of coffee, on the other hand, allows us to help promote the social role of women: there are 80 women farmers involved in this project, who aspire to become small coffee producers, entering a market populated mainly by men.

Check out all our trees on the map!